1) The contestant has dedicated his/her life for music only. There is nothing more important in life for the contestant than music.
2) The contestant has been singing songs even before starting to speak. The dreams of the contestant, contestant's parents and grandparents are the same.
3) The contestant is a die-hard fan of all the judges of the show.
4) If the contestant did not sing the song well or forgets the lyrics of the song, it is either because he/she had high fever or he/she was thinking about a family problem when performing.
5) Irrespective of who comes to the "Danger Zone", the judges are always shocked, and disappointed with the public for voting less for those in the danger zone. Some even threaten to "quit" the show. But after assuring that none of the contestants will be eliminated, they unquit the show.
6) When there are 2 contestants in the danger zone, the one who does not get eliminated cries more than the one who gets eliminated. He/she will also plead with the judges to have him/her eliminated instead of the other person, but in vain.
7) "You are a winner", "Your future is bright. You are the superstar of the future" "God bless you"- These are some of the comments the eliminated contestant will receive. The episode will end with "Kabhi Alvida na kehna" or "Enaagali mundhe saagu nee" for a Hindi show and a Kannada show respectively. The eliminated contestant will also get a "standing ovation" as consolation.
8) The contestants have to appeal for votes from public, after explaining their family problems. The public has to send millions of votes to save their "favourite" contestant, who, by default will be of their own region. However, the judges may overrule the decision of the public, and not eliminate anybody from the show, thus making all those millions of votes (public money) go in vain.
9) There has to be atleast one wild card entry to bring the losers back to the show.
10) The special guest for the Grand Finale will be a bollywood superstar whose movie is about to release. You will forget the name of the "winner" of the show in a few months.